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The Big Movie Song Sing-Along

Dan Chouinard is a St. Paul-based all-purpose pianist, street accordionist, sing-along enabler and bicycling vagabond.
He performs regularly with the likes of Prudence Johnson, Ann Reed, Maria Jette, Jennifer Grimm and Garrison Keillor. He’s been writer and host of live history-and-music shows for Minnesota Public Radio and Twin Cities Public Television, and is the go-to pianist for a smorgasbord of singers across the Twin Cities. He played on a dozen live broadcasts of A Prairie Home Companion and tours often with Garrison Keillor and Prudence Johnson. Recent projects include his classic country band, Lush Country; and the original music and history show, Rondo ’56: Remembering St. Paul’s Black Main Street.

Get your tickets here https://www.sheldontheatre.org/event/big-movie-song/

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