Would you enjoy something fun and whimsical to hang in your garden or in your home? Then this popular mosaic class is for you! Participants will adorn a weatherproof panel with beautiful, random cut-stained class, gems, and mirrors. Create your own design such as flowers, words and shapes – other fun design ideas will be available! Mosaic techniques and tips will be provided.
May 18: 1pm-3pm
Teaching artist: Renee Reinardy
Level: Beginning and above
Class size: 20
Participation fee: $60, includes all tools and supplies
Register at: https://redwingarts.org/clay-creative-center-workshops/may-13-mosaic-garden-panel-with-renee-reinardy-lbjbl?fbclid=IwAR0y7YGcnwmj7SznT6TFHFRSHkTiniz9LjuzHZ3rV6Jw6kfJuawDJzo99W4